Create More Abundance with Jupiter Energy

I had a flashback to a grade school science class remembering that Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

Makes sense!

In the cosmos, Jupiter holds special significance for bringing growth, abundance and optimism wherever it travels.

In my very first birth chart reading, I learned how Jupiter’s close proximity to my Sun sign amplified many benevolent qualities of my personality: visionary, optimistic, confident, enthusiastic – to name a few!

Jupiter (and Venus) placements also signify propensity for abundance in your birth chart (more on that topic in a separate email).

Where is your natal Jupiter?

What area of your life does it bring more growth and abundance?

The sign and house that your Jupiter is in will indicate things such as how and where you can experience luck, abundance, expansion, growth and optimism.

As we prepare for Jupiter to shift from Aries to Taurus in May, we will see expansion in the Taurus area (house) of our personal birth charts for 12 months. Some of the areas you may improve and expand upon include finances, access to resources, values and feelings of self-worth (depending on the house position). It will also be a good time to find ways to provide a more stable foundation for your life – not just with money but also inner or spiritual wealth.

There could also be the opposite effect. There might be temptation to overdue with self-indulgences and overspending as Jupiter expands on what we are putting our focus on. For example, Jupiter transiting your 1st house of self/self-image could lead to weight gain.

What life area is Taurus in your chart? Are you ready to seize the opportunities to grow and expand with this Jupiter energy?

Jupiter transiting your 7th house of relationships/partnerships could bring more clients and/or partnerships into your business.

I teach what all this means and how you can be ready to have Jupiter (and the major astrological shifts in 2023) support you.

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.