April Astrology Update

There’s so much to say about what’s happening in the cosmos this week starting with Mercury (the planet of communication) ingress into Taurus yesterday.

To start, the fiery Aries energy in how we think and how we communicate begins to slow down, and now we take our time in processing our thoughts, speaking, and decision making.

With the collective North Node (fate/destiny) and Uranus (the planet of sudden/unexpected change) currently in Taurus — here’s what to expect — just keeping it simple and real:

  • Fated conversations
  • Fated beginnings
  • Fated endings
  • Breakthroughs
  • Letting go

Those with Taurus placements (and major aspects in your natal chart to Taurus placements) are affected more on an individual level.

Those of us experiencing our natal nodal return (Taurus/Scorpio) will have activations to our North Node placement (Venus is on my natal North Node right now and what’s been forecasted is manifesting in a very amazing way!).

Themes around relationships (personal and professional), values, self-love and balance are all in play.

We also have a very unusual configuration of planets (called a Grand Kite) during the Full Moon in Libra on April 6th encouraging us to release anything that has been blocking our way to happiness and personal freedom.

Trust what’s unfolding for you this week even if it takes you out of your zone of familiarity. It’s ALWAYS for your highest good.

It’s all written in the stars…

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.