Relationships, money, abundance and more…

Venus (the planet of love and money) and Jupiter (the planet of abundance, luck and optimism) are the planets to watch this week!

And … mark Tuesday, April 11th on your calendar for 3 major cosmic energies happening that day.

Let’s talk about Venus first…

Venus is the planet that “rules” two zodiac signs: Libra (relationships) and Taurus (money). Those themes are front and center right now, especially following the Full Moon in Libra last week.

Now, YOU get to choose your path going forward based on what was illuminated: release/let go/change what no longer serves you OR stay the same. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Lightness is the main mood shift

As Venus leaves Taurus (Earth) and enters Gemini (Air) we move from steady, loyal and grounded to a more lighter energy over the next 4 weeks.

This is a time to be curious, playful and enthusiastic!

There’s more readiness and willingness to be proactive and to move things forward. It’s a “spring-like” quality – more social connections, pleasures and openness to try new things, meet new people, set new routines.

You may also find specific themes related to relationships and money playing out at this time for the area of life (house) in Gemini in your natal chart. For example, if Gemini is your 10th house of Career and Public Recognition, here you may experience some shifts, breakthroughs and progress.

Venus and Pluto have a play date

As Venus enters Gemini, she gets to play with Pluto (the planet of transformation) making a harmonious aspect to his position at 0 degrees Aquarius. This a time where you may be taking existing relationships deeper on a personal level or in a group (in person or online).

It can be a day of meaningful new (or existing) encounters – a meeting of the minds that can be intense and/or transformative. Something can also catch you by surprise this day as this is Venus’ “first date” with the new Pluto in Aquarius.

Jupiter and the Sun – a Powerful Combination

A new 12-month cycle begins as Jupiter meets up with the Sun in Aries on April 11th.

In the coming days, look to visual clues that may guide you to what’s on tap for the coming year in the Aries/Taurus houses in your natal chart. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th for the next 12 months so themes from both will be linked together during this cycle.

EXPECT Blessings – Improvements – Enhancements

While all this may not happen on April 11th, look to the days and weeks following the Jupiter/Sun conjunction for:

  • Seeding new opportunities with enthusiasm, courage and confidence
  • An adventurous, spirited energy
  • A “luck” quality taking place – being at the right place, at the right time
  • Fortuitous events that may be out of your control leading to benefits
  • A “risky” opportunity that leads to progress and expansion
  • Taking a leap of faith with a big, bold decision

For my natal chart savvy people — as these clues might surface, also look to the Sagittarius house (ruled by Jupiter) for other themes that might be woven in.

Aries in our natal charts has been lit up like a firecracker for months, and the flame will continue to burn as we head into next week with the first eclipse on the Aries/Libra nodal axis!

This is a week to seize this energy before we head into Mercury retrograde next week – more to follow on that and the upcoming eclipse next week!

As always – cosmic energies play out specific to your natal chart placements AND you get to choose how to play!

With all my abundant love

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.