Loving Saturn as your greatest teacher

I have a love/hate relationship with Saturn

When I’ve come up against some hardship in my life which doesn’t seem to go away easily, I know I’ve met up with Saturn and I’m getting a hard kick in my ass…

In Astrology, Saturn is one of our greatest teachers in the lessons of our life and soul growth. Saturn’s placement in our natal chart (sign and house) shines a light on recurring patterns and struggles in a specific life area. It’s where you may experience restrictions, limitations … and also where you may need to set more boundaries!

As a coach, I can fast forward to someone’s Saturn placement and its relationship with other planets in their chart. We get right to the core. There’s a hidden pattern that you can’t quite break.

But Saturn wants you to succeed. You can get the results you want in any life area by being focused, committed and patient. Break the pattern. Learn the lesson. Where is your natal Saturn?

What’s happening in the collective cosmos?

Saturn has been in the sign of Aquarius since December 2020. I’d place a safe bet that you’ve been experiencing some hard knocks of this cosmic teacher for the past two and a half years in your Aquarius house. I have, and now I have come to appreciate (shall I say, “love”?) Saturn!

This energy may be more intense now as Saturn prepares to leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. It’s approaching the 29th degree (called “anaretic” degree) of the total 30 degrees in a zodiac sign. It can be considered “crisis” energy when transit planets come to the 29th degree — especially slower moving planets like Saturn. They hang out there for a longer time than those fast-moving ones like the Sun, Moon and Mercury…

This is the time to go within to move past what’s been holding you back from greater joy, prosperity and fulfillment in your Aquarius house.

Heed the call. Go within. What is our great teacher Saturn trying to show you?

Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 and will stay through May 24, 2025. What life area is Pisces in your chart? Are you ready to embrace great teacher Saturn with love?

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.