Let’s make the most of Libra’s energy…

Each zodiac season brings its own vibe to the zodiac calendar which can impact different areas of your life. As we enter Libra season, let’s talk about the Libra vibe and how to make the most of its energy over the next four weeks! 

So let’s talk about Libra…

Libra is one of 12 astrological seasons that happens every year and runs from September 22nd to October 23rd. It is one of the zodiac’s three air signs (the others being Gemini and Aquarius) that relate to our intellectual vibe (objectivity, logic, reason, thinking, communication). It’s also one of four Cardinal signs – a sign that starts each season of the calendar year. 

Libra inspires peace, harmony, justice, creativity and balance. It is ruled by the planet Venus which is all about how you love, receive and attract. Venus influence speaks to pleasure, love, beauty, social pursuits and self-indulgence.

Libra also rules the 7th house on the zodiac chart: one on one relationships, partnerships, marriage, business partnerships, legal contracts and enemies. 

To capitalize on the Libra vibe, this season is the best time to:

  • Seek harmony in all areas of our lives especially in our relationships. If Mercury retrograde in Libra caused some tension and miscommunication these past few weeks, Libra’s harmonious vibes can help us smooth over any rough patches in our most important relationships. 
  • Create balance and boundaries. Because Libra is ruled by Venus (and rules the 7th house), we can take a closer look at relationships and partnerships of all kinds that require more balance and/or boundaries. 
  • Collaborate, cooperate and co-create with others.  If you have been thinking about new partnerships, this seasonal energy would be a great time to take advantage of working with others.
  • As a Cardinal sign, it’s prime time to take action, lead, initiate and revisit goals for the balance of the year. 

Other happenings this Libra season:

Autumn Equinox occurs this year at the start of Libra season on September 22nd and marks the astrological year’s midway point. The Equinox is observed when the day and night are of equal length then the days become shorter and nights become longer until the winter solstice. This is a moment in time to find balance and tranquility within oneself.

Mercury will be going direct on October 2nd and we are blessed by a solar eclipse on October 25th (more on that in my October newsletter). 

I’d love to hear your plans to better vibe in the Libra season!

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.