Hot Air Balloons & Pluto in Aquarius

What does Pluto in Aquarius have to do with hot air balloons?

The hot air balloon was invented in 1787 during the last time Pluto was in the AIR sign of Aquarius. A significant era in air travel.

Today we begin a new era.

Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since 1778 -1798! And Pluto changing signs will reshape our world as we know it.

Yes, this tiny planet does have punch!

Pluto changing signs into Aquarius can bring some chaos in the short term in order to create long term changes that will benefit humanity.  As a planet, it’s the Transformer. It will expose, tear down and transform anything that stands in the way of progress.

Aquarius Governs Humanity, Innovation and Community.

Pluto will be in Aquarius until June 11th and will go retrograde into Capricorn, and back into Aquarius in 2024 where it will take root for twenty years.

Pay attention to what’s coming up over the next 3 months on a collective level and on an individual level. This will be a preview as to what’s ahead as Pluto reshapes our society as we know it.

On an individual level, a key area of your life will begin to shift — this is the place where Saturn spent the last two and a half years teaching the lessons, re-creating priorities and establishing personal boundaries to prepare you for what’s ahead. 

If you know your natal chart placements– those who have planets or angles at 0 degrees in the fixed signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio will begin to feel this shift now.

As a Leader, Are You Ready to Make an Impact on the Collective?

There will be a call for the collective to harness community strength and power to transform our society.

Now is the time for you to shine your light, share your gifts and express the most authentic version of yourself to help change the world.

It’s time for you to break free from old belief systems and conditioning about yourself that have held you back from pursuing your dreams.  

Get on your own hot air balloon and reach for the stars.

It’s time to step into that version of yourself that you know you were always meant to be. The process can be uncomfortable but necessary for lasting change in your life and for those around you.

If you’ve already been doing your own personal growth, it’s time to kick it up! Your company, your teams, your clients, your family, your community need you.

Don’t Worry — I’ve got your back!

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing my call to make an impact in the communities surrounding me.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, the New Earth… the time we’ve been waiting for!

With all my abundant love.

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.