December Brings Cardinal Energy Your Way

Hello December—Cardinal energy fuels welcoming activity as 2022 comes to an end!

For those who took some time to unwind and regroup after this past Eclipse season, December is a great time to step into action! The energy shifts from mutable (Sagittarius season and Jupiter in Pisces) to cardinal (Capricorn season, Jupiter in Aries).

The cardinal signs of Capricorn (earth) and Aries (fire) have initiatory force. They lead naturally and tend to lean into life—always seeking new experiences! This is a great month for planning, intention setting and establishing priorities for yourself in the coming year.

Insight into December’s major planetary energies will help you harness the best of what’s ahead and navigate around some of the “bumpy” periods as they affect the collective as well as your own personal birth chart.

More about what to expect this month…

On December 4th, Neptune goes direct at 22°. Neptune going direct is significant as we’ve had a square (challenging energy) between retrograde Mars (planet of action) and retrograde Neptune (planet of illusion) for the last several weeks. An outer planet such as Neptune doesn’t always affect us strongly when they go retrograde. However, when it goes direct, we are reminded to connect with our intuition and to trust ourselves. Neptune can sometimes create fog but as it emerges from retrograde, we may begin to see things more clearly now.

Mercury enters Capricorn = time for action!

On December 9th, Mercury enters Capricorn. If you’ve come up with new ideas, now that Mercury has entered Capricorn, it’s time for action! What concrete steps can you take to turn these rather abstract ideas into actionable plans? Capricorn is the most strategic sign of the zodiac, and when Mercury is in Capricorn, our mind will automatically become more goal-oriented. Now is the time to take practical steps toward reaching your goals.

Full moon gives a much-needed dose of discipline and discernment

On December 8th, 2022 we have a Full Moon at 16° Gemini. The Full Moon is exactly conjunct Mars retrograde and will carry some fiery, volatile energy. While not as strong as the Full Moon eclipse we had in November, it could very well trigger the energies we were working with at this time.

In Gemini, it’s our communication that will be influenced by Mars. We may become straightforward and more assertive. There may also be a feeling of impatience. With Mars retrograde in Gemini, it can also influence our energy levels, making us feel tired or lethargic.

Keep in mind we all have a choice around the way we express our Mars energy, which can also be fueled to work on our passions or take advantage of any downtime that your body needs.

The Full Moon also makes a positive aspect (trine) to Saturn (the planet of structure), giving us a much-needed dose of discipline and discernment. The area of life (birth chart house) represented by Gemini will be the focus of these energies.

Venus in Capricorn helps bring clarity

December 10th, Venus enters Capricorn. When Venus (the planet of what we value and attract) enters Capricorn, we become more intentional and more strategic about what we want. We may also recognize that our standards rise. If you are a bit unsure, Venus in Capricorn will help you clarify. Once you know what you want, there’s nothing that is going to stop you from attracting it and manifesting it into your life.

December 12th: 1212 Angel Number

1212 is a high-frequency number that represents wholeness and graduation. As we honor and recognize the wholeness within and celebrate our growth points, we raise our consciousness and ascend to higher states of awareness. Seeing 1212 signifies that you are completing a lesson and ready for the next chapter! The move to that next chapter will be more aligned with your soul’s journey.

Jupiter offers an exciting transit

December 20th, Jupiter enters Aries. This is one of the more exciting transits to keep your eyes on! Jupiter (the planet of luck and abundance) has already spent a few months in Aries before going retrograde into Pisces at the end of October, so this energy is not completely new.

Jupiter will be in Aries until May 2023 to fulfill its mission! With this transit, Aries energy invites you to be bold and courageous in the area of your life (birth chart house) ruled by Aries. Pay attention to the day of the ingress (and the week after) when you should get more insight into the specific areas of life that require a Jupiter intervention.

Energy flows within at the Winter Solstice

December 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn. Capricorn as a cardinal sign gives us tremendous energy and sense of direction. This zodiac is also represented by the sea goat which has the ability to climb the tallest mountains and descend to the bottom of the sea. Climbing with only two legs and swimming with only a tail is difficult but the sea goat persists! It reminds us that no matter what our circumstances are, there is a way forward.

We now feel we can move mountains. This is a great time to be clear about what it is that you want to achieve.

December 21st also means that we have the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The Solstice is a magical time of year when we can honor the light and dark within. In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice brings the longest night of the year and the start of the winter season. Energy flows within and we are guided to reflect on our inner selves.

Enjoy a rare synchronicity

December 23rd, we have a New Moon at 1° Capricorn. Capricorn season begins with a New Moon enhancing its ability to bring fresh energy our way! This is the second New Moon in a row to fall at 1°. The next three New Moons also follow this trend making all the New Moons from November to March at 1°. These synchronicities are rare, so they always feel like a sign from the Universe to pay attention. 1 is the number of new beginnings and New Moons are the beginning of a new lunar cycle so this idea of starting something new and welcoming new beginnings is magnified!

Chiron brings a portal of healing for self and others

December 23rd Chiron goes direct at 11° Aries. As with any slow-moving “planet,” changes in direction are more important than the retrograde itself. When Chiron goes stationary retrograde (once a year) and stationary direct (also just once a year), we feel its energy more strongly than ever.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer which represents the wounds that were attached to our identity at our time of birth. Chiron reminds us that it is in our power to take our wounds, and turn them into powerful portals of healing not just for ourselves but for others. If your Chiron placement at birth is in the sign of Aries, the energy will be more amplified.

Hints about what needs a revision in your life

December 29th Mercury goes retrograde at 24° Capricorn. The final Mercury of the year takes place in Capricorn. Mercury (the planet of communication and our intellect) may cause us to feel a little foggy, confused or hard to articulate how we feel. Mercury placement in your chart also refers to what needs to be reviewed, reassessed, and reinvented in your life. Pay attention to the Capricorn sector of your chart to get more hints about what needs a revision in your life.

Mercury turns direct on January 19th, 2023 at 8° Capricorn. If you have planets or angles between 8-24° of Capricorn, you will be particularly influenced by this transit.

An opportunity to reprogram limiting beliefs

December 29th Mercury retrograde and Venus meet at 24° Capricorn within hours of turning retrograde. This Mercury-Venus conjunction will pretty much set the tone for the entire Mercury retrograde cycle until January 18, 2023. In the following weeks, we explore not only our thoughts, but also the emotions attached to those thoughts. Capricorn rules “systems” so this transit is an opportunity to reprogram mental models and limiting beliefs that are holding us back.

When we understand how our thoughts influence our feelings, we can get to the root cause of our motivations and we’re able to reframe those mental and emotional models that no longer serve our growth.

Curious to learn how these planetary alignments can help you?

Understanding how planetary alignments influence your personal, day-to-day life begins with a natal chart reading, and then progresses into a deeper dive.

Here’s how to get started:

Natal Chart Consultation: If you’ve never had a birth chart reading before, this will provide the core foundation for you to understand your personal astrological blueprint and how the planetary energies affect you. Book your reading.

To learn more about your personal birth chart placements, book a Natal Chart Consultation.